Weather Alert
Important Notice to QU Employees and Students:
A potentially severe storm system is expected to arrive in the Quincy area at 1 p.m. today. Storm potential includes heavy rain, hail, and strong winds. Power outages, uprooted trees, and building damage are possible. Cellular phone service may be interrupted. A second potentially severe storm system is expected in the Quincy area at 5pm today.
Make preparations now to be secure in a safe location in your building. Follow emergency protocol if/when tornado sirens go off. Go to the lowest level possible and/or interior hallway areas away from windows. Close all windows.
Sirens will go off approximately every 5 minutes until the imminent danger has passed. Please do not leave your safe locations until you are no longer hearing sirens.
Unless otherwise authorized, employees and staff should remain indoors for the duration of the weather event.
Nearly all campus meetings and events will be canceled today after 11:00 a.m.
No on-campus class activities should be scheduled today after noon.
Employees who need to leave work to care for minor children are allowed to do so with the permission of their supervisors.
Unless otherwise directed by supervisors, employees will be released today at 4 p.m.
Dining services will close at 12:30 p.m. You will be notified when they will resume.
Employees and students are expected to follow all emergency management messages.
We recommend that all members of the QU community make sure their phones and other battery-powered devices are fully charged before 12:30 p.m.
Make plans for the safety of comfort animals.