Quincy University Sophomore Saves Hometown School
Gino Grivetti, a Quincy University sophomore, used fundraising skills he learned from QU to save his grade school from permanently closing. St. Edwards Catholic School in Chillicothe, Illinois, teaches students from K-8th grade and is the only parochial grade school in the city. After an inspection from roofers on the school earlier this year, repairs totaling $600,000 were estimated, including the cost of necessary asbestos removal. The decision to close the school permanently resulted from the community and school’s small size as well as the lack of funds to cover the cost of repairs.
Despite the imminent threat of permanent closure, a priest at St. Edwards asked for some time to raise $400,000 to help toward repairs. It was at this moment Grivetti realized his fundraising experience from QU could help raise enough money to save his school. He established an online GoFundMe page, called parishioners directly for pledges, and spread the word through local media outlets that picked up the story. Grivetti’s idea for the fundraising campaign stemmed from his experience working as a Night Hawks Phonathon caller for QU and QU’s Campus Ministry efforts to stress the importance of community service. He knew calling parishioners directly would magnify the need and importance of the campaign, and it would help them feel a sense of togetherness with the cause. Over the course of the week, Grivetti no longer had to make personal phone calls because cash donations to St. Edwards exceeded $400,000.
“I understand that everyone has a gift to give to a community. We all have various talents that can benefit the larger group. We can apply what we learn in the classroom to the real world,” Grivetti said.
Currently, around $530,000 has been raised to repair the school and St. Edwards is scheduled to re-open at the beginning of winter. Gino Grivetti was able to apply the life experience he gained from Quincy University to positively impact his local community in the most unforgettable way.