Quincy University on Fontbonne University closure
Quincy University deeply regrets that Fontbonne University, a Catholic university in St. Louis, will be closing in Summer 2025.
“We applaud Fontbonne for announcing their closure over a year in advance and for giving their community ample time to prepare for this significant transition,” said Brian McGee, PhD, QU president. “Fontbonne University has provided an outstanding Catholic and faith-based education to generations of students in our region, and we honor the Fontbonne faculty and staff who have done so much for so many.”
After Fontbonne’s closure in Summer 2025, Quincy University will welcome and provide financial assistance to any Fontbonne transfer student. Quincy University and Fontbonne University are currently working to make Quincy University a designated teach-out institution for Fontbonne.
“With our colleagues at Saint Louis University, Quincy University will continue to provide an exceptional Catholic educational option for students in the greater St. Louis region,” said McGee. “We invite any high-school or transfer student who previously considered Fontbonne to explore all that Quincy University has to offer.”
Fontbonne students who transfer to Quincy University will benefit from QU’s commitment to see all students graduate on time through its Success by Design initiative. This program ensures all students have an individualized success plan that gets regularly reviewed with both their student success coach and faculty advisor.
For more information, visit www.quincy.edu/fontbonne or contact Dr. Kimberly Hale, Teach-Out Coordinator (contingent on a final agreement with Fontbonne University) or Amy Stollberg, Associate Dean of Transfer Admission at 217-222-8020 or fontbonne@quincy.edu.
Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, Quincy University is a small Catholic university emphasizing the sciences, liberal arts and the professions. Quincy University offers undergraduate, graduate and adult education programs integrating practical experience and Franciscan values. Faculty and advisors work with students to design customized success plans to help them graduate on time, find their passion and prepare them for life. QU is a member of NCAA Division II for intercollegiate athletics. For more information, please visit www.quincy.edu or contact the Office of Community Relations at (217) 228-5275 or communityrelations@quincy.edu. Quincy University. Success by Design.