Quincy University Greek Life Receives Conference Awards
QUINCY, IL –Quincy University Greek Life organizations have received the following conference awards for the 2015-2016 school year during annual leadership conferences held by the organization headquarters.
The Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi received Academic Excellence Award, Initiation Honor Roll, Quota Honor Roll, Campus Total Honor Roll and the Ruby Award.
The Iota Delta Chapter of Delta Tau Delta won an award for outstanding work for philanthropy with Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and for the highest fraternity grade point average on QU’s campus. President of Delta Tau Delta, Darek Lambert, was a special speaker at the Delta Tau Delta leadership conference Spring of 2016 that their fraternity’s central office hosted.
The Gamma Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma received the 2015 Chapter of the Year in the Great Lakes Region.
The Iota Beta Chapter Phi Sigma Sigma received an award for being a Silver Chapter from their Chapter Excellence score.