QU Music Department Tours Area High Schools
The 20-voice auditioned Chamber Choir and Vocalocity, QU’s newest vocal jazz ensemble, is headed on tour to six area high schools. On Thursday, November 3rd, they will sing at Central High School in Camp Point, Rushville-Industry High School, and Brown County High School in Mt. Sterling. On Friday, November 4th they will sing for Winchester High School, Pleasant Hill High School, and Western High School in Barry.
The choir will sing a variety of selections including an arrangement of Toto’s “Africa”, “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square” in the style of famous jazz acapella group Manhattan Transfer, and a jazzy arrangement of “Coventry Carol”.
The Chamber Choir and Vocalocity are under the direction of Amy K Stollberg , director of choirs. Members are composed of sopranos: Mary Argana, Abbey Dickherber, Casey Pigg, Ann Schuhriemen, Jennifer Williams; tenors: Tom Argana, Hale Brown, Samuel Dust, Sage Meleney, Clark Zellerman; altos: Sydney Hart, Skyleah Johnson, Emily Stollberg, Genesis Torrens, Annie Weiler; bass: Jonathan Berry, Racin Coelho, Jacob Schumacher, Zachary VanderBol, David Czechut-Webb, and accompanist, Matthew Cornwell on the piano.
In addition, the QU Music Department took three woodwind chamber ensembles on tour to six Chicago area high schools in early October. The ensembles are under the direction of Dr. Christine Damm, assistant professor of music, and performed at: IC Catholic Prep, Hinsdale South, St. Francis, Benet Academy, Montini Catholic, and Fenwick Catholic. “The tour was a great way to connect with music professors and high school students, as well as showcasing the talented QU musicians,” said Damm.
Bill Machold, assistant professor of music, attended as well to promote the band program and connect with band directors. Musicians on tour include: Miranda Guyer, Marissa Bergstedt, Rebecca McIsaac, Matthew Cornwell, Jacob Schumacher, Emily Cintron, Ernest Baker, Josh del Rosario and Zachary Vanderbol.