QU Kicks Off 2019-2020 QU Fund Drive
Quincy University launched its 2019-2020 QU Fund Drive with a $1.1M goal on Friday, September 20, 2019, at a reception held in the school’s private dining room. Last year, the QU Fund Drive raised nearly $1.8M in support of campus improvements, technology enhancements and student scholarships.
“We are very grateful for the past support of our alumni, friends, faculty, staff, local businesses, foundations, parents and students, and invite their continued participation again this year,” said Julie Bell, vice president for advancement. “Reaching our QU Fund goal each and every year is critical to the financial sustainability of Quincy University.”
Chairpersons for this year’s campaign are Mario and Ginny (Johnson) Camacho ’73. They were both in the Teacher Education Program and were employed as teachers for a combined 60 years. They have carried out the Franciscan philosophy, that was the backbone of their education, throughout their lives in their family, work and volunteer activities. They have been generous supporters of QU for years.
“We believe in supporting people as they pursue their goals, and we believe Quincy University is a great place to achieve those goals,” said Mario and Ginny Camacho. “We met at Quincy College, now University, 50 years ago this month. QU gave us a great experience academically, athletically and socially as well as Franciscan values. That strong tradition of a well-rounded education continues today. We want everyone we know to recognize what a treasure Quincy University is, and why we must financially give our support to keep QU moving forward.”
To make a donation to the QU Fund, contact the Office for Advancement at 217-228-5227 or visit www.quincy.edu/support-qu.
Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, Quincy University (www.quincy.edu) is a Catholic, co-educational, residential university offering undergraduate, graduate, and adult education programs that integrate liberal arts, active learning, practical experience, and Franciscan values. Quincy University’s intercollegiate sports are members of the NCAA Division II Great Lakes Valley Conference for men and women. For more information, please contact the Quincy University Office of Community Relations by calling (217) 228-5275.