Quincy University Institutional Policy

Policy on Course Registration, Transcripts, Diplomas, and Collection Agencies for Student Accounts with a Business Office Hold


Following is Quincy University’s institutional policy regarding a student’s course registration, transcript, and diploma when there is a Business Office Hold on their account.  It also includes information on third-party collection agency contracts.


  • An Official Transcript is a certified record of student academic progress throughout one or more courses of study and containing a full enrollment history, including, but not limited to, all courses enrolled, grades earned and degrees and awards conferred. Official transcripts may come in paper form or electronic. Paper official transcripts are provided in a sealed envelope with embossed seals, carry the registrar’s signature, and are marked as “official.” Electronic official transcripts are sent via a secure exchange process and contain a digital signature and other security features. The Official Transcript is the only institutional document intended to certify that a degree or award has been earned and conferred.
  • An Unofficial Transcript is a record of student academic progress throughout a course of study and containing a full enrollment history, including, but not limited to, all courses attempted, grades earned and degrees and awards conferred. Unofficial transcripts contain no embossed seals nor the signature of the registrar. Such transcripts are marked “unofficial” and do not certify that a degree or award has been earned or conferred.
  • A Diploma is a document provided by Quincy University to a student who has successfully completed a course of study. A Diploma is intended for framing and display, if a student wishes to do so. A Diploma does not certify that a degree or award has been earned or conferred.
  • A Business Office Hold is placed on a student’s account when there is a past due balance on the student account.  Accounts that are set up on an official University payment plan will have a hold placed on the account only when payments on the payment plan are past due.


A. Business Office Hold

  1. A student who does not pay an account balance by the due date or set up a University payment plan will have a Business Office Hold placed on the account. Students removed from a University payment plan due to non-payment will also have a Business Office Hold placed on the account at that time.A student with a balance of less than $500 will have a hold placed on the relevant account, but the student will still be able to make schedule changes for the current term and/or register for future courses (refer to section E of this document). However, students with a balance exceeding $500 will have a hold that prevents schedule changes, future course registration, and the release of diplomas.
  2. Business Office Holds restrict the student’s eligibility to:
    a. add courses for the current or future semesters,
    b. receive a diploma,
    c. access University activities/services such as participation in graduation ceremonies,
    d. other items as determined by the University

B. Release of an Unofficial Transcript

  1. Quincy University will not require the payment of past due balances prior to the release of an Unofficial Transcript.
  2. Students may print an Unofficial Transcript through the student portal-my.quincy.edu. Students who no longer have access to the student portal should contact the Registrar’s office to request an Unofficial Transcript.

C. Release of an Official Transcript

  1. For students with a Business Office Hold on their account, Quincy University will honor requests for an official transcript; however, the Business Office Hold will not be lifted.

D. Release of a Diploma

A diploma is released when the student’s account is paid in full and all Business Office Holds are released.

E. Registration for Current or Subsequent Academic Terms

  1. Currently, enrolled students will be allowed to register for future courses when their outstanding balance for the current academic term is $500 or less, with the understanding that the outstanding balance will be paid in full prior to last day of the current academic term. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of registration for future courses.
  2. Students who do not maintain continuous enrollment must have their student accounts paid in full in order to register for classes.

F. Past Due Accounts Placed at Third-Party Collection Agencies

The University contracts with third-party agencies to recover past due account balances when:

a. a student is no longer enrolled,
b. a student has not engaged in a payment agreement with the Business Office, or
c. a student fails to make scheduled payments on an agreed-upon payment plan, as previously approved by the Business Office, where accounts will be assigned to a third-party agency after three missed payments in a twelve (12)-month


G. Questions Regarding this Policy

Please contact Quincy University’s Business Office at studentaccounts@quincy.edu  or 217-228-5432 Ext. 3749 with
questions regarding this policy.


The Vice President for Business Affairs (or the designee of the Vice President for Business Affairs) is responsible for the
management and interpretation of this policy. As appropriate, the Vice President for Business Affairs (or designee) should
consult with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Registrar in the management or revision of this




Predecessor Policy: August 2023

Revised Policy: June 2024; August 2024

Next Review Date: October 15, 2029