Quincy University surpassed its seven-figure QU Fund goal for the sixth
straight year. A $1.1 million goal was set last September by QU President Dr. Robert
Gervasi and QU Fund Chairs Jeff and Theresa (Powers) ’96 Spear. The university
announced that it raised $1,101,169 at a celebration held on Wednesday, June 22, 2016.

“This year the bar was raised to 1.1 million dollars, and we put out a call for help, a
call to action and support. We are proud to say Quincy University reaps the benefits of
success thanks to the generosity and commitment of many,” said Theresa Spear ’96.

The QU Fund supports student scholarships, campus enhancements, technology
upgrades and faculty development initiatives. In addition, the fund helps grow the
university’s endowment, which ensures the longevity of the institution. QU’s total
fundraising efforts totaled $3.25 million for the recently completed fiscal year (June 2015 –
May 2016). This includes gifts to restricted projects and estate gifts.

Highlights of this year’s campaign include 93% participation from faculty and staff
and a 2% increase in overall donors to the university. Vice President for University
Advancement Julie Bell said, “The QU Fund is critical to the continued success of the
university. We are blessed to have tremendous support from, not only our faculty and staff
but also from local businesses, foundations, friends of the university as well as investments
from alumni living in the region and across the world.”

Quincy University is currently in a $25 million comprehensive campaign, “Forever
Forward”, which will support a multitude of capital projects and the university
endowment. Dr. Robert Gervasi said, “I am extremely pleased that we exceeded the $1.1
million goal in light of the fact that we are in the middle of a comprehensive campaign to
transform the campus. This speaks volumes of the dedicated alumni and friends who
believe in the mission of Quincy University.”

Local QU Fund volunteers during the 2015-2016 campaign include:
Alumni: Jim Citro ’73, Ryan Goestenkors ’02, Al Knepler ’71, Steve Koester ’75,
Mike Mahair ’73, Jim Mentesti ’66, Shirley Murphy ’87 and Kevin Reller ’90.
Community Leaders: Tony Crane, Jen Gervasi, Charles Lugo, Bill McCleery and
Steve Siebers.