QU Music Dept. to Host Choir Concert
The Quincy University Music Program will perform Places choir concert on Sunday, October 21 at 3:00 p.m. at the Connie Niemann Center for Music located at QU’s North Campus (17th and Seminary Rd). The concert is free and open to the public.
Under the baton of Amy K. Stollberg, director of choirs and accompanied by pianist, Laura Kammerer, the three choirs will perform songs that represent various “places”. The
40-voice Concert Choir will sing the traditional Appalachian Hymn Down in the River to Pray arranged by J. David Moore and James Mulholland’s The Banks O’Doon, among other titles.
Quincy University’s newest vocal ensemble, Vocalocity, will sing Beautiful City from the musical Godspell as arranged by Mac Huff and Manhattan Transfer’s and Trickle, Trickle, arranged by Steve Zegree.
The 18-voice Chamber Choir’s repertoire will include Heinrich Isaac’s Innsbruck ich muss dich lassen and The Gift to be Simple arranged by Bob Chilcott. This select choir, along with QU’s several woodwind ensembles, will be traveling to Germany in May 2019, performing in Quincy’s Sister City, Herford, and other locations. There will be a 50/50 raffle available to help with the cost of the Germany trip.
For more information, please call Amy Stollberg at 217/228-5090.
Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, Quincy University (www.quincy.edu) is a Catholic, co-educational, residential university offering undergraduate, graduate, and adult
education programs that integrate liberal arts, active learning, practical experience, and Franciscan values. Quincy University’s intercollegiate sports are members of the NCAA
Division II Great Lakes Valley Conference for men and women. For more information, please contact the Quincy University Office of Community Relations by calling (217) 228-5275.