QU Launches MBA In Health Care Administration
Quincy University has announced the addition of a concentration in health care administration to its Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree in the School of Business. The MBA in Health Care Administration is designed for those with an interest in health care and health care settings but who do not deal day-to-day with patients. The program combines the knowledge and execution of health care policy, law, leadership and business and is ideal for those in a director/administrator role.
“The demand for professionals in health care administration is increasing and we are pleased to be able to offer this learning and advancement opportunity,” said Teresa Reed, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs.
Classes in the program will run for ten-week sessions and will include topics such
as health care law, health care policy, ethical leadership in management and policy and business sectors in health. In-class and online options are available and a certificate option will be available for those students who already have completed the MBA program.
“For qualifying students, Quincy University has offered an affordable, one-year Master of Business Administration degree since 1984. The addition of the concentration in health care administration provides even more options and flexibility for anyone in our community who wishes to take this next career step and earn a highly regarded MBA degree, said Brian McGee, Ph.D., president.
“With the rapid growth in health care management jobs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and our very large health care presence in Quincy and the tri-states, the MBA concentration in health care management is a natural next step for QU and our region. This new concentration will be a winning proposition for QU and our communities, especially given the excellent wages earned by health care managers.”
Dr. Minerva Cruz will join the QU faculty this fall to spearhead the MBA in Health Care Administration. Dr. Cruz earned a Ph.D. from Purdue University in Public Policy & Public Administration and holds a M.A. from the University of Puerto Rico in Public Administration and Personnel Administration. Dr. Cruz has specialized her research in the health care arena and has taught courses in managerial epidemiology, administration and delivery of health services, health care policy and law, and health care management among others.
In addition to health care management, Quincy University offers Master Degrees of Business with concentrations in operations management or organizational leadership. Classes are convenient and affordable and are designed to fit the busy schedules of working adults.
For more information or to register for classes please contact Sara Deters, coordinator of graduate studies at sdeters@quincy.edu or 217-228-5404.